
Coatingvoorbereiding: Essentieel voor toepassingen in gieterijen

In gieterijen is coatingvoorbereiding essentieel om de duurzaamheid en prestaties van mallen en kernen te garanderen. Goede voorbereiding zorgt voor optimale hechting, hittebestendigheid en een perfect gietoppervlak.

Een goede balans tussen dichtheid en viscositeit is cruciaal:

  • Dichtheid zorgt voor een gelijkmatige dekking en voorkomt gietdefecten zoals metaaldeling.
  • Viscositeit zorgt voor een soepele applicatie en uniforme bedekking van complexe geometrieën.

Moderne coatings bieden thermische weerstand, een glad oppervlak en gasdoorlaatbaarheid om gietfouten te verminderen. Door nauwkeurige voorbereiding en geavanceerde machines dragen coatings bij aan hoogwaardige, foutloze gietstukken en verbeterde efficiëntie.

Bij HBF Techniek zijn we trots om al bijna 10 jaar een vertrouwde partner van Foseco te zijn. Deze langdurige samenwerking stelt ons in staat om een belangrijke rol te spelen bij het ontwikkelen en produceren van geavanceerde machines voor de voorbereiding en toepassing van gieterijcoatings.

Onze machines zijn ontworpen voor precisie en consistentie, zodat coatings voldoen aan de hoogste normen op het gebied van dichtheid, viscositeit en uniformiteit. Door onze expertise in machinebouw te combineren met de diepgaande materiaalkennis van Foseco, leveren we oplossingen die de efficiëntie en kwaliteit in gieterijen verbeteren.

Deze samenwerking onderstreept onze toewijding aan het ondersteunen van de gieterijsector met innovatieve technologieën die elk aspect van het coatingproces optimaliseren, van voorbereiding tot applicatie, en bijdraagt aan duurzame, foutloze gietstukken.

We hebben het perfecte overzicht gecreëerd

Onze ICU Selector Table biedt een interactieve en intuïtieve manier om verschillende ICU-configuraties te verkennen, elk afgestemd op uiteenlopende operationele behoeften. Met gedetailleerde vergelijkingen en beschrijvingen stelt deze tool u in staat om:

  • De meest geschikte ICU te ontdekken voor uw coatingbehoeften.
  • Inzicht te krijgen in de belangrijkste kenmerken en mogelijkheden van elke ICU-variant.
  • Configuraties te vergelijken op basis van kosten, nauwkeurigheid en functionaliteit.

Hoe het werkt:
Klik eenvoudig op de knoppen in de tabel om gedetailleerde informatie over elke ICU-optie te bekijken. U vindt beschrijvingen van de functionaliteit, procesvoordelen en technische inzichten om een weloverwogen keuze te maken.

ICU Selector
H-ICU I-ICU Modular ICU Continuous ICU
Dipping single
H-ICU Icon

H-ICU for Dipping Single: Controlling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. The ICU-H can easily be installed on the existing dip-tank or mixing tank. It automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during coating batch preparations and operations.

The process is displayed and recorded using the advanced data manager. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density. All measurement and mixture adjustment data can be accessed remotely through Ethernet, WebDAV, or via USB.
The ICU-H basically performs three integrated functions:
• Density control
• Level control
• Data logging

The density of the coating mixture in the tank is determined using two high precision ceramic pressure sensors. Based on this measurement, the density is regulated by adding water and undiluted coating using automatically controlled valves. The flowmeters provide a feedback-loop on added volumes.

I-ICU Icon

I-ICU for Dipping Single: For applying a coating film onto casting molds, these molds can manually or (semi-) automatically be dipped in a coating bath (dip-tank). Controlling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. For this purpose, the ICU-I features a constant level dip tank with multiple inputs and outputs as well as a diaphragm pump, a stirring device, manually and remotely actuated valves, a dual filter setup and a control cabinet which houses pneumatic valves and a touch screen for interaction with the control software.

The ICU-I automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during coating batch preparations and operations. The process is displayed and recorded using the advanced data manager. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density. All measurement and mixture adjustment data can be accessed remotely through Ethernet, or via USB.

Modular ICU Icon

Modular ICU for Dipping Single: Controlling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. For this purpose, the Modular ICU (M-ICU) features a mixing tank with multiple inputs and outputs, two pressure sensors, a diaphragm pump, stirring device, manually and remotely actuated valves and a control cabinet with touch screen for interaction with the control software.

The M-ICU automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during operations and coating batch preparations. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density.

Continuous ICU Icon

Continuous ICU for Dipping Single: ontrolling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. For this purpose, the Continuous Modular ICU (CM-ICU) features a mixing tank with multiple inputs and outputs and a measurement bypass, as well as two pressure sensors, a diaphragm pump, stirring device, manually and remotely actuated valves and a control cabinet which houses pneumatic valves and a control cabinet with touch screen for interaction with the control software.

The CM-ICU automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during operations and coating batch preparations. The process is displayed and recorded using the advanced data manager. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density. All measurement and mixture adjustment data can be accessed remotely through Ethernet, or via USB.

Dipping multiple
H-ICU Icon

H-ICU for Dipping Multiple: Controlling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. The ICU-H can easily be installed on the existing dip-tank or mixing tank. It automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during coating batch preparations and operations.

The process is displayed and recorded using the advanced data manager. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density. All measurement and mixture adjustment data can be accessed remotely through Ethernet, WebDAV, or via USB. The ICU-H basically performs three integrated functions:

• Density control
• Level control
• Data logging

The density of the coating mixture in the tank is determined using two high precision ceramic pressure sensors. Based on this measurement, the density is regulated by adding water and undiluted coating using automatically controlled valves. The flowmeters provide a feedback-loop on added volumes.

I-ICU Icon

I-ICU for Dipping Multiple: For applying a coating film onto casting molds, these molds can manually or (semi-) automatically be dipped in a coating bath (dip-tank). Controlling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. For this purpose, the ICU-I features a constant level dip tank with multiple inputs and outputs as well as a diaphragm pump, a stirring device, manually and remotely actuated valves, a dual filter setup and a control cabinet which houses pneumatic valves and a touch screen for interaction with the control software.

The ICU-I automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during coating batch preparations and operations. The process is displayed and recorded using the advanced data manager. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density. All measurement and mixture adjustment data can be accessed remotely through Ethernet, or via USB.

Modular ICU Icon

Modular ICU for Dipping Multiple: Controlling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. For this purpose, the Modular ICU (M-ICU) features a mixing tank with multiple inputs and outputs, two pressure sensors, a diaphragm pump, stirring device, manually and remotely actuated valves and a control cabinet with touch screen for interaction with the control software.

The M-ICU automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during operations and coating batch preparations. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density.

Continuous ICU Icon

Continuous ICU for Dipping Multiple: ontrolling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. For this purpose, the Continuous Modular ICU (CM-ICU) features a mixing tank with multiple inputs and outputs and a measurement bypass, as well as two pressure sensors, a diaphragm pump, stirring device, manually and remotely actuated valves and a control cabinet which houses pneumatic valves and a control cabinet with touch screen for interaction with the control software.

The CM-ICU automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during operations and coating batch preparations. The process is displayed and recorded using the advanced data manager. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density. All measurement and mixture adjustment data can be accessed remotely through Ethernet, or via USB.

Flowing (with buffer)
H-ICU Icon

H-ICU for Flowing (with buffer): Controlling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. The ICU-H can easily be installed on the existing dip-tank or mixing tank. It automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during coating batch preparations and operations.

The process is displayed and recorded using the advanced data manager. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density. All measurement and mixture adjustment data can be accessed remotely through Ethernet, WebDAV, or via USB.
The ICU-H basically performs three integrated functions:

• Density control
• Level control
• Data logging

The density of the coating mixture in the tank is determined using two high precision ceramic pressure sensors. Based on this measurement, the density is regulated by adding water and undiluted coating using automatically controlled valves. The flowmeters provide a feedback-loop on added volumes.

Modular ICU Icon

Modular ICU for Flowing (with buffer): Controlling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. For this purpose, the Modular ICU (M-ICU) features a mixing tank with multiple inputs and outputs, two pressure sensors, a diaphragm pump, stirring device, manually and remotely actuated valves and a control cabinet with touch screen for interaction with the control software.

The M-ICU automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during operations and coating batch preparations. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density.

Continuous ICU Icon

Continuous ICU for Flowing (with buffer): ontrolling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. For this purpose, the Continuous Modular ICU (CM-ICU) features a mixing tank with multiple inputs and outputs and a measurement bypass, as well as two pressure sensors, a diaphragm pump, stirring device, manually and remotely actuated valves and a control cabinet which houses pneumatic valves and a control cabinet with touch screen for interaction with the control software.

The CM-ICU automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during operations and coating batch preparations. The process is displayed and recorded using the advanced data manager. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density. All measurement and mixture adjustment data can be accessed remotely through Ethernet, or via USB.

Flowing (flow coat unit)
H-ICU Icon

H-ICU for Flowing (flow coat unit): Controlling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. The ICU-H can easily be installed on the existing dip-tank or mixing tank. It automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during coating batch preparations and operations.

The process is displayed and recorded using the advanced data manager. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density. All measurement and mixture adjustment data can be accessed remotely through Ethernet, WebDAV, or via USB.
The ICU-H basically performs three integrated functions:

• Density control
• Level control
• Data logging

The density of the coating mixture in the tank is determined using two high precision ceramic pressure sensors. Based on this measurement, the density is regulated by adding water and undiluted coating using automatically controlled valves. The flowmeters provide a feedback-loop on added volumes.

Modular ICU Icon

Modular ICU for Flowing (flow coat unit): Controlling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. For this purpose, the Modular ICU (M-ICU) features a mixing tank with multiple inputs and outputs, two pressure sensors, a diaphragm pump, stirring device, manually and remotely actuated valves and a control cabinet with touch screen for interaction with the control software.

The M-ICU automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during operations and coating batch preparations. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density.

Continuous ICU Icon

Continuous ICU for Flowing (flow coat unit): ontrolling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. For this purpose, the Continuous Modular ICU (CM-ICU) features a mixing tank with multiple inputs and outputs and a measurement bypass, as well as two pressure sensors, a diaphragm pump, stirring device, manually and remotely actuated valves and a control cabinet which houses pneumatic valves and a control cabinet with touch screen for interaction with the control software.

The CM-ICU automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during operations and coating batch preparations. The process is displayed and recorded using the advanced data manager. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density. All measurement and mixture adjustment data can be accessed remotely through Ethernet, or via USB.

Flowing (no buffer present)
H-ICU Icon

H-ICU for Flowing (no buffer present): Controlling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. The ICU-H can easily be installed on the existing dip-tank or mixing tank. It automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during coating batch preparations and operations.

The process is displayed and recorded using the advanced data manager. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density. All measurement and mixture adjustment data can be accessed remotely through Ethernet, WebDAV, or via USB.
The ICU-H basically performs three integrated functions:

• Density control
• Level control
• Data logging

The density of the coating mixture in the tank is determined using two high precision ceramic pressure sensors. Based on this measurement, the density is regulated by adding water and undiluted coating using automatically controlled valves. The flowmeters provide a feedback-loop on added volumes. .

Modular ICU Icon

Modular ICU for Flowing (no buffer present): Controlling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. For this purpose, the Modular ICU (M-ICU) features a mixing tank with multiple inputs and outputs, two pressure sensors, a diaphragm pump, stirring device, manually and remotely actuated valves and a control cabinet with touch screen for interaction with the control software.

The M-ICU automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during operations and coating batch preparations. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density.

Continuous ICU Icon

Continuous ICU for Flowing (no buffer present): ontrolling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. For this purpose, the Continuous Modular ICU (CM-ICU) features a mixing tank with multiple inputs and outputs and a measurement bypass, as well as two pressure sensors, a diaphragm pump, stirring device, manually and remotely actuated valves and a control cabinet which houses pneumatic valves and a control cabinet with touch screen for interaction with the control software.

The CM-ICU automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during operations and coating batch preparations. The process is displayed and recorded using the advanced data manager. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density. All measurement and mixture adjustment data can be accessed remotely through Ethernet, or via USB.

H-ICU Icon

H-ICU for Spraying: Controlling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. The ICU-H can easily be installed on the existing dip-tank or mixing tank. It automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during coating batch preparations and operations.

The process is displayed and recorded using the advanced data manager. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density. All measurement and mixture adjustment data can be accessed remotely through Ethernet, WebDAV, or via USB.
The ICU-H basically performs three integrated functions:

• Density control
• Level control
• Data logging

The density of the coating mixture in the tank is determined using two high precision ceramic pressure sensors. Based on this measurement, the density is regulated by adding water and undiluted coating using automatically controlled valves. The flowmeters provide a feedback-loop on added volumes.

Modular ICU Icon

Modular ICU for Spraying: Controlling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. For this purpose, the Modular ICU (M-ICU) features a mixing tank with multiple inputs and outputs, two pressure sensors, a diaphragm pump, stirring device, manually and remotely actuated valves and a control cabinet with touch screen for interaction with the control software.

The M-ICU automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during operations and coating batch preparations. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density.

Continuous ICU Icon

Continuous ICU for Spraying: ontrolling the coating mixture is important for achieving the correct coating layer thickness on the casting molds. For this purpose, the Continuous Modular ICU (CM-ICU) features a mixing tank with multiple inputs and outputs and a measurement bypass, as well as two pressure sensors, a diaphragm pump, stirring device, manually and remotely actuated valves and a control cabinet which houses pneumatic valves and a control cabinet with touch screen for interaction with the control software.

The CM-ICU automatically maintains the optimal coating dilution by continuously measuring and precisely adjusting the mixture during operations and coating batch preparations. The process is displayed and recorded using the advanced data manager. The controls allow for easy adjustment of settings, such as optimal coating density. All measurement and mixture adjustment data can be accessed remotely through Ethernet, or via USB.